Saturday, November 30, 2019

Diving in!

Here we go... diving into my first post.  I am not sure where this is going to go, but I feel led to share my thoughts while on my journey.  I am a frequent poster to Facebook and Instagram which has given me a taste of what it is like to share my thoughts but I am starving for feedback.  I enjoy the
SHARING of ideas and not just receiving a like or emoticon response.  Therefore, maybe a blog will get things started.

My goal for this blog is to stimulate conversation through the comments.  Leave your honest opinion, question, or thought that was provoked by my comments.  As long as it is a productive response to stimulate a conversation, I will endeavor to respond and continue the discussion.  Please be clean, respectful, and honest.  I would like my kids to be able to read this blog some day and respect my thoughts as well as those who decided to join in.

Let’s get started and start discussing how daily discipline leads to freedom in all things.  To give credit to where it is due, seek out Jocko Willink’s podcast, website, YouTube channel, or his books.  I am a disciple of his and my goal of this blog is to simply share my own example of how his DEF philosophy is playing out in my life.

Find Jocko here: